Sunday, March 22, 2009

3 years today!

These are some of my FAVORITE pictures of the day when Mayley was born. She was born at 9:55 AM. I started having contractions at 4 in the morning and I finally went to the hosptial by 6:30 and I was dialted to an 8. I was so grateful to have a beautiful baby girl. Mayley we like to call her my MINI ME. She looks like me, She hates loud noises (like I did), She loves to sing and dance and she loves music, she is very social (sometimes, we are still working on it). She loves to play with her friends. And she hates to get her hair done (I was the same way when I was little). I was so excited to hold her after she was born and I couldn't believe I was a mom. I loved watching mayley suck on her little hand when she was 1st born.

Here she is again sucking on her hand.
and again....

Bry gave the 1st bath to Mayley. Bry said she loved it. The nurse helping Bryan told him that him that in Chinese her name means "beautiful". I'm so glad it meant something good instead of something dumb like the "howling wind" or something cheesy like that. LOL! jk!

My all time favorite picture of Bry and Mayley after he gave her her bath.

I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have such a handsome good looking husband and a beautiful baby girl by my side. I was so happy to make our family the 3 of us that day!!!
My mom is so cute and always makes beanies for her grandkids on the day they are born. Mayley was my mom's very 1st granddaughter. She did such a cute job at making the beanie for her. She looked so cute in it.

Mayley's was 5 days old. I love how wide her eyes are and how alert she was.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mayley's Backyardigans Birthday Party

Today was Mayley's Birthday Party. It was so much fun to plan and get ready!! I have never done a huge birthday party before so I thought it was going to be fun but I knew it would be a lot of work. Mayley had a Backyardigans Party. We had carnival games, cupcakes, candy and prizes for each game the kids played. I bought carnival tickets that had their names on the tickets for each game. I thought the tickets were a fun idea.

Mayley's friends getting ready for the party!

Mayley and Hailey those two are good buddies!

The Pablo bean bag toss. Thanks to Grandma Lynda for her artistic skills. The kids loved this game.
Maddie Maez had fun playing in our sandbox with Hunter. Maddie's hair looked so cute! LeAdelle does such a cute job with her hair.
We played the game "fishing" we used a stick with yarn and the kids would recieve a prize behind the blanket. My favorite part was our friend Logan came back after fishing out a little toy CAR and he saw all the girls getting a magic wand and he asked Bryan, "I didn't get a princess wand, I want one too!" What a cute little guy!

Mayley being cute on the trampoline. I think she stole tons of candy out of bowl without us knowing.

Another game we played was fishing the rubber duckies out of the swimming pool. The kids had 10 seconds to get as many ducks out with a little play shovel. I was super impressed with the kids' skills.

We also played a fortune telling game for a minute. The kids liked it for about 5 minutes and then were done. It was fun to see their faces while I played with them.

Grandma Lynda was so happy to come and hang out with Mayley. She painted all the kid's faces today!! It was so fun and she did a way cute job.

Mayley with her Grandma Redding. Grandma Redding brought the CD player so that we could listen to a backyardigans CD during the party!! That was super fun. Grandma took all these fun pics for us!

Mayley's friends that came to the party: Logan, Eliza, Hannah, Destiny, Hailey, Hunter, Maddie, and Breanne.

I made fun cupcakes with cute little backyardigans finger puppets that are made to fit on top of the cupcakes. They looked so cute!!

Mayley is sooooo excited to open her presents! I love Hunters face in this pic too!! Wow messy faces from eating the cupcakes!!

I love my little man in this pic!

Mayley loved the gloves and purse she got from her friend Eliza!! So cute!
She got so many fun awesome presents. Mayley has so many fun friends. I'm so glad it was a fun day!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hunter is 20 Months

Oh Yummy Yum Yum!! My favorite place to get icecream is cold stone. I think it is a rip off sometimes BUT today it tasted HEAVENLY!! We went and celebrated Mayley's birthday with a free icecream coupon when you sign up for their birthday club. I got one for me and hunter to share too because Hunter turned 20 months today. That is so crazy to me. He is seriously almost 2 years old. What the heck?!?! Mayley is so cute. This is what she picked: PINK icecream (strawberry) and Sprinkles. Hunter and I had BANANA Icecream with Reese's. It tastes like PB and Bananas! So yummy! I think Hunter ate more of the icecream than I did. The kids loved it and they were so polite sitting at their chairs. I thought it was so fun taking them out for a special day for icecream. I hope there is good icecream like this in Heaven. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Day in the life of Brianne

I don't think I have ever just blogged about my day. So Here I sit while Bryan is at the church playing basketball and both of my kids are sound asleep. I think it is a good day to write about!!

First thing this morning we got into the bathroom to go potty and Mayley turns on the light and says: "It's Bright and Shiny in here." She always comes up with things I never know what she is going to say. It was a slow first half the day. The kids always have fun chasing each other around the house. I made them pancakes with chocolate chips in them. Somehow one of the pancakes got smooshed into the couch!!

For lunch all they wanted to eat was little oranges called "Clemintines". I think we peeled about 6 and ate them all up. While I was trying to cook some grilled cheese sandwiches on the stove I accidently turned on the wrong burner and smoke started coming out of it and it let the fire alarm off. So we ran outside and I didn't realize what a half decent WARM and Beautiful day it was today. So I had an idea to take the kids outside and have a picnic on our deck. The kids loved it. (by the way the fire alarm eventually went off) I was so excited to go and sit in the sun! YAY! I was so proud of Hunter for climbing up to get on the slide to our swingset all by him little self. First time EVER!

I taught Mayley how to play Tag and we chased each other around and giggled a lot. Hunter chased too cause he likes to run around. We kicked the balls in the backyard and into the snow. The kids of course with snow STILL in the backyard wanted to wear their snow boots. So they looked so funny.

Oh and I also made RAMAN NOODLES which I still think taste nasty when I think I'm going to try them and think i'm going to like them. YUCK!! BUT Hunter was so funny watching him eat the noodles. I couldn't find the camera today so I was bummed I don't have any pics of my day but I just put the noodles in a big bowl and let the kids have at it. They weren't too fond of them either cause none of it really got eaten.

We went and read books and tried to take a nap which only lasted for about 20 minutes until Hunter started screaming in his crib and I knew that because I had given him MIRALAX this morning. I knew he was going to need a diaper change. SO much for NAP TIME!!

I made the kids watch Mulan. I decided that is kind of a scary show to let your 1 and 2 year old to watch. Mushu is the only funny guy on there. Mayley copied the part where Mushu says "DOWN BESSIE" to the horse. That was funny too!!

I started on my new adventure of SEWING BEAN BAGS for Mayley's Bday Party. Of course the kids wanted to help and watch. Hunter had fun pushing down the pedal and making the needle go all crazy up and down. Don't Worry! I put an end to that fast! Mayley did help me put beans into the bean bags and was a good girl at doing that. I was glad to say that it was a successful atempt with making my bean bags. I can't say they were perfect but good enough that they look good.

4:15 came around and I got the kids ready and we hopped into the car. I was super tired today for some reason and just wanted to sleep. I was about to turn right onto the street and not even going to stop at the end of my street because I have a habit of doing that and almost hit my dear friend Charlene driving past me. WOW!! I followed her to her house and totally cried for almost hitting her. I love this lady to death. She comforted me with a hug and I told her I had to run to do my visiting teaching appts.

I got a new companion who is a girl that just got barely baptized a month ago. It was her first time going visiting teaching. When I dropped her off after our visits she asked..."When can we go again?" What a cute thing to say!! We visited the bishops wife and her kids love mayley and hunter so they stayed down in the basement the whole time which was wonderful!! We got to read the Proclamation of the Family because Amber, my comp, had never seen it before, I learned a new insight of how inspiried the 1st presidency and apostles truly are. Then we ran to visit another lady in the ward too who I found out she is a big fan of Napolean Dynamite.

I ran home and Bry had went and got the kids from the Bishops house and he was running out the door to go play basketball at the church. Mayley was excited to get her birthday card in the Mail from Grandma and Papa Redding. I was so stoked to get my new Kraft Foods Magazine too!! I made myself a sandwich for dinner and Bry had made the kids a PB & J sandwich. I got the kids ready so we could go play at the church and so I could have time to chat with the moms. Bry won their game and had to go back at 8:30 for the championship game. I met a new girl in our ward and was glad to have a lot in common with her. She lived at BYU Hawaii and so did all of Bryan's Siblings. I got to go over there in Dec with Bryan's Family and so it was fun to talk about Hawaii with her.

The day has finally came to an end. My favorite part was while I laid by Mayley to get her to sleep, she held my hand so sweetly in her little hand. Nothing Beats being a mom!!!!! I love my children to death!!

PHEW that was a lot to say.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Britt!!

March 9, 1979 is when my older Sister Brittany was born. She is 30 years old today!! Wow! What a milestone sis. I can't believe that you have 4 kids now and have been married for 10 years. Holy cow. I love being remembered on my bday so I hope you feel loved and feel great on your 30th bday!! You are such a wonderful example to me and I have always looked up to you. You are a GREAT mom and I'm so glad we got to be sisters!!! I have so many fun memories with you. I love you for being who you are. One day we will all have to go to Disneyland together. I love you for all that you teach me. You are the best bargin shopper like mom is. You have always been good at working. And you never gotten fired!! hehe! You have lots of good friends and everyone loves you. You always are so faithful in your church callings. You always make yummy food and you are super crafty at whatever you make. Mom always tells me all the cool things you do and find to make. You have lots of talents that most people don't have. I love you Britt. Thanks for being awesome. Have a fun birthday!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bob that Head Rascal Flatts Tour!

My favorite band of all time yes! RASCAL FLATTS! I have all of their albums and know all of their songs!! It is amazing when you get to go to their concert! Me and Bry did a trade this year and I got to take my mom. My mom was so excited. My mom does have a crazy side to her believe it or not if you haven't seen her crazy side. We had a date night and mom took me to my favorite restaurant...Macaroni Grill!! Soooooooooo yummy!!

Here we are in front of one of the huge trucks they haul everything in. Outside of the Energy Soultions Arena. Getting excited to see Jessica Simpson open up the concert!! uhhh not really!! she does have an amazing voice though...even though she did forget some of the lyrics. She is very ditzy or just drunk!!!

Jessica Simpson on the big screen. She looks a lot like my sister in law Ali. Parker's wife. But Ali is much prettier!!
We got to see some of our friends at the concert. It takes forever for the band to set up after Jessica Simpson performed so we got to chat with them. They got to sit on the 7th row because it was Mandi's fav band too and her cute hubby matt bought her tickets up close since it was her fist concert ever! so cute. Matt and Mandi are actually some of parker's best friends but matt is like another brother to me. Mandi is soooo cute! We love her!

THE VIDEO I TOOK of the OPENING OF THE CONCERT!! AMAZING!! I actually didn't expect what was going to happen so I jumped and so the video kinda jumps for just a second. Hope it's cool to see!!! yeah I basically freak out because I love these guys so much!! I have a wild side too if you haven't ever HEARD me before. Bry says I'm a nerd but I don't care!!

Joe Don on the BIG Screen!! Whoa they are amazing musicians!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Killer Boots Man!

Here are some pictures of the kids. We are ready for spring and then summer so that we can spend all our time outside again.

We got some snow last night and then the sun came out today so we went out to play for a little bit. The kids would scoop up the snow and then throw it across the yard.
On Friday nights it is date night at the pool. The kids get in free and so we end up only paying $3 for all of us to go to the pool. Hunter was a wild man in his new swim floatee.

Mayley is going to be a photographer when she gets older. She is always getting a hold of the camera and taking pictures of her dora baby, the tv and mostly Hunter. She is pretty good at putting you right in the middle of the picture.