Monday, May 5, 2008

I CanNot Believe It!

So on saturday hunter started walking all by himself behind this fun little cart! We could not believe it. He's getting too big too fast. He's such a fun little man! We had our friends over so don't mind all of the talking in the back. The guys of course were watching bball so that's why Bryan says that Hunter got distracted!


Anonymous said...

Wow he is so young to be walking what a smarty!

jeffandlorraine said...

Brito, he is getting so big! How fun!! You're kiddos are darling!!! And I miss yer dang face, lady!

Kristi said...

Holy smokes! I love reading what Hunter is doing because that means I am just like two months behind you...craziness!

Jessica said...

I can't believe it either! He looks so little to be walking. Emery has a LONG ways to go, she just barely started crawling well!

Jake and Kate said...

Love it! Gosh, he's getting big! What a cutie. We REALLY need to get together soon, Brito!