Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bryan's claim to fame!

Does anyone recognize the guy that is sitting next to Bry?? I will give you a hint he is a basketball player in the NBA! Bry got to meet him at a work party he was invited to. I'm so glad bry loves his fun job. He is such a hard worker and deserves lots of good things in his life!


newsinaminute said...

I give up? who is it?
I'm glad he got to meet him--bryan looks more like the NBA basketball player than the player does--ha! (proud mother speaking) (:

Julie said...

I know, I know! It's Corver from the Jazz! His first name slipped my mind though! Way to go Bry!

Brianne said...

yep its kyle korver. He is knew to the Jazz and he is really good at making three pointers. people say he looks like aston kutcher.

Jake and Kate said...

I think he looks like Ashton Kutcher too! That's what I was going to guess, but then you said NBA player so that was out. That's pretty cool!