Monday, April 20, 2009

4th Anniversary!!

April 23, 2005 was the day we got married!!! It will be our 4th anniversary on thursday! I'm so excited to finally have a date this week with my hubby! Our wedding was the day my dreams came true. I married THE MOST, handsome, most amazing man EVER. I was soooo happy to be married to him in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. I always wanted to get married in that temple. It is so beautiful there. The flowers were all in bloom on that spring day! I had all of the most important people in my life there by my side too.
I loved getting my bridals done. Kathrin Ledford was amazing and did my hair for free that day! I got my bridals done down at the Tahitan Noni Gardens! It was beautiful!

This is a fun pic of us at our wedding dinner the night before the big day!! It was so fun to have it at Archibald's at Gardner Village.

I loved this pic of Bry kissing my face!! He is THE BEST!
I could name a million reasons why I love Bryan and why I married him!! He is super smart, he is HILARIOUS (there isn't a day he doesn't make me laugh), he is always serving others, he is an awesome leader, he is an amazing dad and is so patient with the kids, he is a super hard worker, he is clean, he always dresses super nice, he understands me, he always thinks before he acts, he is good at listening, he is so awesome at every sport he playes, and he is amazingly good looking and handsome!! I love you Bry!!!

Being a Mom is Awesome

Last Monday we went for a walk down to the USU extension and around our neighborhood and found lots of farm animals :) We saw Donkey's, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and cows. Mayley was brave enough to even pet the animals.

Thursday it decided to snow like 6 inches at our house so we went outside and played. I bought a spongebob tube at macey's a couple months ago and the kids love riding in it. It was really sunny outside so Hunter thought it was awesome to wear my sunglasses.
Friday we played with my fam! We went to lunch at Chick-fil-a. The kids loved playing in their fun play place. We went with my mom and bro while my sister was at to lunch with her best friend from college. We had dinner and watched "Bedtime Stories" at my parents house! Such a hilarious movie!! We loved playing with my niece Avery. She has the most beautiful blue eyes.

Saturday we played with my Oakcrest friends!! I haven't seen them in FOREVER!! We learned a new fun game called KOOB. We are totally going to make it so we can play it with all our fam and friends now too! Bry was a pro and won the game for the guys! It was sooooo fun to see Warrior, Duzz and Tachi. I love my oakcrest friends they mean so much to me :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Activities!

Saturday The Easter Bunny came while the Kids were taking their naps! Mayley was so excited when she woke up! I decided to make a scavenger hunt for the kids that had little clues to where the easter eggs were hiding! Mayley was acutally very smart and knew where to find all the eggs from the clues!! The kids were still pretty sick on saturday so we just hung out all day to get them feeling better.

Hunter got mad because mayley took the PURPLE EGG (her favorite color) so we traded him for a different egg. I already had two easter baskets and didn't even think that both of them were pink. so Hunter just had to use a pink easter basket this year. I will definently have to get him a more manly one next year when he actually can tell that PINK is too girly!

Bry was reading the clues to all the kids. I printed off a cute little easter bunny pic off the computer so they could find the clues easy!

May just woke up from her nap so she looked super sleep still! She was so proud of finding all of her eggs.

Bryan made them a suprise present in the garage for their last clue! A HOMEMADE PICNIC TABLE. I helped him out for awhile. It turned out so awesome. It only cost 10 bucks to make. Bry did an amazing job making it. He is soooo crafty in a manly way!! Way to go Hubbie!

Sunday we had easter dinner with Bry's Parents. We took the eggs that we had dyed and hid them in the backyard since we didn't have time to do it at our own house sunday morning. Bry had meetings all morning long at the church. The 1st thing Mayley said when she woke up Sunday morning was "Did the Easter Bunny Come?" We had to tell her that he came to Grandma and Grandpas house.

Friday, April 10, 2009


This week has been a rough one. Mayley and Hunter have been hacking a lung and I hear LITERALLY every 5 seconds "Mommy, you wipe my nose." My kids are so cute. I feel so bad that they have been so sick. We have been doing a lot of just hanging out by ourselves. I was so grateful it was warm enough to go in the backyard today and swing for a while and discover little things like ladybugs. There were 2 little lady bugs just crawling around on the top of the sand box lid. Mayley and Hunter croutched down to see them up close. We counted their little "polka dots" too. I asked Mayley if she wanted to hold it. I showed her how first of all and that it just tickled. After watching me just thought it would be fun too. It was so cute listening to her giggle and laugh that the ladybug was tickiling her! We played and watched the lady bug go up our jackets and our fingers and hands.

I had this thought come to me while we were watching the ladybug. Thought: On the ONE Edge of our weedy, rocky backyard (that soon will be our beautiful garden!) were beautiful little bugs that Heavenly Father placed here for us to enjoy that this very moment. I had a friend tell me a couple weeks ago not to forget "daily" that the Lord has his hand in our lives. For some reason I felt the Lord sharing his love for us by playing with a small little bug. How grateful I am that I had this moment today to feel Heavenly Father with me today.

This SONG IS THE BEST. It is by George Straight. The video is pretty awesome. The words are amazing!! some of the pics are a little wierd but I thought it was worth sharing.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This lady does a blog that works for the Salt Lake Tribune and she tells about all the free stuff that you can get around Utah. It's so awesome. She has little giveaways too. I thought this would be fun to share with all of you that have kid. They are doing fun easter Carnival at Wheeler Farm on Saturday for only 2 bucks and it sounds super awesome. Anyone want to join in and come with us to play?!?! I always like to hang out with friends. On tax day she found all these places that are giving away free food and icecream! April 15th. I will probably be taking advantage of that for sure!! FREE FOOD who doesn't want FREE FOOD??!? I found this site through KSL actually. kind of ironic! Hope you get some good stuff out of this fun blog!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


This post is to my dear friends that have been talking about Twilight since the book came out. Even my mom has read the book. Reading is not one of my hobbies. I don't have the attention span to read for long amounts of time. I have to say that I do read my scriptures or an article from the ensign and I do feel satsified with my reading skills. I can't even remember the last time I actually read a novel or book. All of my friends have read the Twilight book. When we have playgroups, or last summer when we would go walking there was always some conversation about the book TWILIGHT. I just never had any desire to read it. I thought "Yeah maybe it would be good to know what my friends were talking about." I guess I never really had any desire to read the book. SINCE I LOVE TO READ. Anyway, Last night I was hanging out with my Sister in law ALI and she brought over the movie Twilight to my parents house and I was like "Ok I'll watch it!" I was totally into and actually liked it. It was a cute little love story in a really weird but cool way. I thought that Edward was very good looking too!! Maybe that is why I liked the movie!! Now I know all of the characters and the story behind the book. I guess I don't know all the details because that would make me READ the book. So now I can have a converstation about Twilight and feel like I'm a little bit more like I can be part of what you girlies are talking about!! I'm glad Ali brought it over so we could watch it!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

watch out dad has markers

The other night I heard Bryan laughing really hard and making Hunter laugh too. A couple minutes later I looked over and Bry had gotten a red marker and drew Horns, red chops, and handlebar mustache on hunter. holy cow I couldn't stop laughing. Mayley took these pics of Hunter. The horns were too funny!!

Saturday full of fun...and a lot of miles!

This past saturday we were supposed to be working on our garden but that didn't happen becuase it was FREEZING cold. Bry got up and did the scouting for food drive in the morning. Some lady gave them 2 huge boxes of Pepsi. The expiration date said "Nov 2003" on the box. One of the boys was so funny and checked it out and said "Hey it still must be good, it's STILL COLD". Now that was too funny. Another popped one open just to try it and said they were still good. I hear such funny stories now that Bry is always with the Young Men.

My cousins Brandi and Shauntel were throwing a party for their kids. Kai (shauntels little boy), Brett, Kyzleigh and Kyra. Mayley and Shauntel and Uncle Bill have their bdays in March too. So we cleaned up the house we got into Bry's car and drove out to Riverton for some fun party time. They had tons of fun things to do. A bounce house, cupcakes, snowcones, hot dogs, face painting ect ect ect. The best part was Mayley's favorite friends, Hailey and Hannah were there. So Hailey and Hannah are cousins with Brett, Kyzleigh and Kyra. So that was fun to all hang out.

Hailey and Mayley eating their yummy snowcones!

Hunter and Bry scarffin down a snowcone. I think they ate like 3 altogether!

Hunter found a buddy in the bounce house. this little girl addison followed Hunter everywhere.
Bry had fun helping hunter dunk the basketball in the hoop.
after the party we drove down to Spanish Fork to see Nancy and Steve's New Baby Boy. They named him Kyle. He was the born the day before so he was only like 24 hours old. It was so fun to hold a brand new born baby again. He was so cute and had tons of hair. Mayley wasn't so sure about holding him because she was too busy playing with Abbie and Anna and Grandma Lynda.

Right before we were going to leave. Mayley thought that she might want to see her new cousin. Hunter looked at him for a minute too.
Then she thought "Ok let's hold this brand new baby"

Then she was pretty HAPPY about holding her brand new baby cousin after awhile.

Then after our visit we went and had dinner with my family. My mom had surgery on her foot and the kids had fun playing at Grandma and Papa's house. They had fun playing with Uncle Parker too. I'm so grateful for all of my family. What a fun day to hang out with so many awesome family members. i love having fun filled saturday's!! It makes life fun for us.