Saturday, December 6, 2008

Favorite Part of the Day!

Before we go to bed at nights we always ask Mayley what her best part of the day was. Yesterday she said it was going to the store for this reason.........She got to decorate a christmas tree sugar cookie, and get her face painted. She ate the cookie home in the car but she only ate the GREEN Frosting. I hurried and grabbed the camera when we got home so I could have a funny moment on camera of the huge mess she made!! It was fun to go to Macey's yesterday!
OOPS! Hunter SNUCK a bite of the cookie!! I love this pic of him in the background!

The funny SANTA on Mayley's face!! She sat perfectly still while the girl painted her face!! She was soooo good! I was super impressed!


Kerri said...

That's awesome! I love Hunter in the background of all the pictures. So funny!

Andrea said...

That looks like fun. You always know what fun stuff is going on around town.

Steph H said...

I like the very last picture of Hunter eating the cookie off the ground. Learning the three second rule early! No harm, no foul.

Also, when did Mayley get so big? I love her pigtails.

Steph and Matt said...

My favorite is Hunter picking the cookie off the ground for another bite. Too funny. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.