Sunday, November 2, 2008

I got through it!!

So I finally did it! My first offical piano recital. Its quite a scary thing being the piano teacher and watching my students get up there and watch them perform with everything I have taught them. Most of my students are first timers too. Meaning it was their first time ever to play at a recital. I was only 6 or 7 years old I think at my first piano recital. I remember it was in this ladies home and it was really messy inside and my dad kept telling us how dirty it was after we left. good thing for the piano store that let us do it at their recital hall. I have lots of scary and funny memories from piano recitals when I was growing up. My favorite one that I will never forget was when I was about 9 or 10 and me and my best friend Jessica were playing at Julie Goodro's back yard during the spring or summer time and I got up and looked straight at Jessica and said "Hi my name is Jessica Walton and I will be playing blah blah blah" I really can't remember the song but we were laughing super hard. What a funny memory! I have lots of sad memories from my recitals since my mind would always go blank in the middle of the memorized piece and I would have to have my teacher come and put the music up on the piano for me to finish the piece. My hands would shake so bad that I could not control where they went on the keyboard. I was a nervous wreck when it came to recitals. of course I would bawl for the rest of the night. ahhhhhh. I kept playing after all of those years though and love being a teacher now. I only have 6 students right because of all of what life is giving me to take care of right now. Being a mom, a homemaker, and being in the primary, and doing my best to be a good wife to my wonderful amazing husband who I adore to pieces. I wanted to perform the night of the recital so I practiced super hard the song "Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Greig. Uhhh lets just say it was a little embarrassing...not as bad I was expected but I know I didn't play it perfect...I had very little time to practice and when I did I found out the night of the recital that I had been practicing it wrong. which added more stress to the actual performance. I guess I did my best with the little bit of anxiety I had in me. Wow! What an experience!! My students left to right: Manda (the black cat) shelbie (the clown), Todd (a jedi knight), Karl (some kind of cape on witht he brown shirt) Mitch (the pumpkin) and Nikki is next to me. My friend let me borrow her Midevil sorcerer princess costume. I though it was pretty awesome!!


Lance and Nicole said...

You probably hate me...I forgot to call you back after the message you left about some music. I feel so bad. I was trying to look and see if I had some music and never got back to you! I'm so sorry. I admire that you can teach. I played piano and tried teaching once, but it just didn't come easy for me.

kk else yy said...

Brianne i haven't seen you forever!! How are you doing?
your family is so cute oh my goodness i think i saw your little girl at parkers homecoming and she has gotten so big your little boy has too!!
im going to school in orem im going to uvu right now and i love it its so fun! im rooming with one of my way good friends my whole life i think you will know her courtney thomas! i use to always be with her but ya i love it college is so much fun!
how is your family and how have you been?

kk else yy said...

ahh i forgot to tell you!
your profile is so cute i completely love your background it is so fun!!

Christy said...

HOORAY! i'm so happy you found my blog, i've missed you girl! it looks like you guys are doing great--two kids, wowza! they are so cute and look just like you! even though i haven't talked to you in forever i still feel like it was yesterday we were quoting strongbad at the mtc. love you sis, keep in touch!

Jessica said...

That is a memory I will never forget. I am pretty sure we played the duet, "Heart and Soul" at that same recital...and laughed through the entire thing. Good memories. I can't believe you are a piano teacher, I bet you are amazing! I sure miss laughing with you!

Nancy K said...

GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!

newsinaminute said...

I loved being at that recital--my love for piano, grew--my admoration and love for you grew
and I just completely enjoyed listening to the songs that the kids (your students played) wanting to please you--and I loved the song you played it was terrific
I came home and practiced more--you really have a great talent here

Jake and Kate said...

You go girl! The stress is over! and I bet your song was amazing and no one knew the difference (you said you'd been practicing it wrong). You're an amazing pianist, I know that for sure! I bet it was awesome!

Marissa said...

Congrats!! I bet it went great!