Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Hunter turned 1 on Sunday July 20th. It's amazing how fast he has grown up. He is the cutest kid and I love my baby boy to death. I knew that he was going to have to make 2 cakes because he would demolish the first one. We were super grateful for all of our family that came out to celebrate with us. Grandma Lynda & Grandpa Call and all of Bry's siblings were here with us. My parents came too. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, and I tried to make a baseball hat cake but I won't even show you the pictures since my mom though it was a ladybug. Yikes. That's ok it still tasted good though. In primary the other day our primary chorister had brought a little basketball hoop to play with the kids. Hunter would grab the ball and walk towards the hoop with the ball high above his head like he wanted to make a basket. I totally knew that is what we were getting him for his bday! The kids both love to play with it now. Here are some pics of his fun bday!

We always get a balloon for their bday!!
This is a beautiful cake that I got for free at Alberstons. Awesome for having a first bday huh!?!?
We sang to him fast because the wind was blowing and it kept blowing out his candle. We took him out into the backyard and let him dive in for some yummy cake!
His first attempt with the cake.
Now I really got my hands in this stuff!Now I love eating all of it!Look mom and dad I ate the whole thing!!I'm still eating it. WHOA BUDDY! I think i'm going to have a tummy ache.
right after he devoured the whole thing! We are so proud of him. Grandma and Papa Redding making him laugh and tickling him at the same time.

Hunter is super lucky to have such awesome call family members.


Melissa and Doug said...

Happy Birthday Hunter!! It sounds like he had a fun birthday. I always love pictures of first birthday's and the eating of the cake.

Kenneth and Emily said...

Mookie! I love you!!! Thanks for writing on my blog. It is so fun to get back in touch again. You and Bryan should totally come to Boston! You can stay with us if you want to (unless you are looking forward to a sweet hotel vacation). We would love to see you! Boston is so much fun!
I had no idea you went on a mission! That is so great! And you got engaged after 2 weeks - just like us :) That's awesome. Let's be e-mail buddies.. missemily47@yahoo.com
Oh, btw-you have the cutest kids in the world!

Jessica said...

I didn't realize that Emery and Hunter are exactly 1 month apart. I LOVE first birthdays. So fun!

Nancy K said...

Seriously he was the best cake eater I've ever seen! Happy Birthday again!