Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hunter's First Tooth

After 6 1/2 months of continuous drooling.......Hunter's first tooth finally poked through. If he would hold still long enough we would take a picture and put it on here. For now, we will just have to use our imaginations of what it looks like. (a hint, it is white and pokey)


Nancy K said...

Totally cracking up at your comments. Hooray it is here!

newsinaminute said...

wa-hooooooooooo for the new tooth
he's been drooling and working on that for awhile..I feel so sorry for babies trying to get those "sharp" little toothies to come in
and we're excited that he is on the verge of crawling too.

Jake and Kate said...

Phew, thanks for the hint Brito. I never would have known what it looked like! Yay for teething, right? Love that drool! :)

Marissa said...

Hooray! I know you have been waiting!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the tooth!! Easton didn't even get one until after his first birthday! Hey I couldn't remember where you went on your mission-my brother just got his call to Maceio, Brazil wondering if you were close by?!

Brianne said...

Lisa if you read this comment; I went to the Sao Paulo North Mission. Maceio is pretty far north from where my mission is. But hey it's Brazil the coolest most amazing place to serve a mission! :)