Wednesday, February 18, 2009

MileStones of fun!!

I have to make record of the things the kids did today and yesterday.

Mayley wore panties all through the night and didn't even pee the bed! yay I couldn't even believe. It was a miracle. We woke her up so that she would go potty for us! She did so good! What a great feeling :) To see her with her pants dry! What a fun Mile Stone!

I took the kids in the backyard today to play on our little swingset. Hunter wanted to swing just like mayley. Before I knew it I put him on the swing and had him grip on to the swing tight and today was the first day that he swung all by himself!! YAY!! What a fun step for the bubs! I love watching my kids grow! It is amazing to see how smart and fun they are!


newsinaminute said...

woo woo!!
that is a wonderful mile stone!!!
thanks for sharing
couldn't be more proud of that sweetie for reaching that miles stone.and were proud of you as parents for living dangerously and letting her try! to do it (some folks won't go there but in the long run it pays off we believe)
--even if she does slip now and again--eventulally those muscles will get stronger that help keep her dry. Sounds like she has a great handle on it--oh how we love her--can't wait for her birthday!!! upcoming
have a great day --love your posts

BK said...

Haha, I love it! Kids are the coolest...and so is peeing your pants. So don't be too hard on her if she decides to be the coolest kid in town! ;-)

I mean shoot, how do you think I got to be so cool? It's all about peein' ya bed!!


BK said...

P.S. If there were a yearbook vote going on, I would vote you two cutest couple...with the cutest kids!

Marissa said...

That is really exciting! I can't believe that Hunter is getting so big! Sydney is very anti-potty training right now, so I am giving her a break and we will try again in a couple of months! Good luck with Mayley, sounds like she is a pro!