Monday, February 9, 2009

Jaywalking Mormon Style!

I couldn't resist and share this for everyone to get a good laugh but, I found this page on a byu cougar board thing because I was looking for a game to play for an activity in my ward this Friday! Bry and I were laughing pretty hard. Jaywalking is a funny segment they always do on The Tonight Show hosted by Jay Leno. Its hilarious!

“Jaywalking” Answers

These are actual responses from actual people. I’m not making them up.

A book from the Old Testament? Luke, Revelations, John

A Christmas Hymn? O Holy Night (3), Silver Bells, Onward Christian Soldiers, Battle Hymn of the Republic

A plague of Egypt? Malaria, Cairo

Not in the Word of Wisdom? hippie lettuce, Coca cola

A current apostle? M. Russell Nelson

A cuss word alternative? hail, scrud, frick, dag nabbit,none(they all work very well)

A Primary song with actions? itsy, bitsy spider,I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ

A temple in Utah? Washington D.C.

A dish at a potluck? KFC

A flavor of Jello? Pink

Something you do on the Sabbath? Eat (this is the website where I got all these funny answers from!)


Alisha said...

That was great! Thanks for sharing!

BK said...

Hehe, that's awesome. My favorite--a temple in Utah: Washington, D.C. WHAT??!!