Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby Steps

This is a proud moment for us! I love this stage in a baby's life! It's one of my favorite parts of being a parent. They are just so cute!I love see their little legs move and take those small steps. It's amazing how little by little he gets better everyday at it too. It's so true how step by step we grow and learn in our lives just like our little man! I learn so much from my kids! You go little man!


jeffandlorraine said...

Bri, that is so cute!!! I loved the look on his face! He was so proud of himself! I love it! It is amazing how much they learn everyday and pretty soon, they're pro's!

Jake and Kate said...

Love it! He's getting so big! What a cutie. It's so exciting to see them learn new things!

Steph and Matt said...

That is so cute! I can't believe how big he is.

Steph H said...

Hey Bri! I really love your background and header!!