Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I love 4th of July!!!

We went to the Tooele Parade in the morning. Grandma Lynda came with us too. Later that night we went to our friends house for a fun BBQ and Swim party. It was a blast. Everytime Mayley would go down this little slide she would run over to me and say "I DID IT" and high five me!!

Hunter showing off his black man high jumping skills!

Hunter probably ate the most popsicles out of all of the kids. Logan and Destiny probably helped him open them up!!!

Hunter found this princess hat at the party and wore it everywhere!!! He loves hats.


newsinaminute said...

love the basketball shot--very cool photography--fun day thanks for being inclusive on letting me join for the parade and lunch-made my day--

Jake and Kate said...

Love it! So fun! I too love the b-ball shot. Way cool!