Monday, October 12, 2009

Messes a WHOLE lot of 'em!

Hunter and Mayley decided they wanted to paint each other's faces the other day with some paints. I was near by them but I was focused on doing something on the computer. Hunter came running down to me and said "Look at me Mommy!" I was laughing so hard. So were they!! It was all over both of them! He was trying to hide from me so he snuck underneath the table!! I love I got this pic of him!!

Then another day I tried to do a fun craft with them!! WHAT A MESS!! LITERALLY! You get wax paper, glue, and food coloring, and a popsisicle stick. You let your kids draw and go to town being creative with their little minds. Mine just made a HUGE mess!!!

This was the beginning of what became a gigantic mess. Don't worry (mom and mother in law) I was watching them the whole time and helped them make some cute things!


Jessica said...

Messes are definitely worth the cute pictures you get from them!!!

The Walker clan said...

Your a lot better with messes then I am...I need to learn from you to just laugh at them! Your a great mom!!

Tina said...

That is so funny. Good thing you can laugh at it. My kids are the same age as yours, I can definitely tell by what they are into. Count me in on your new blog our email address is I love being able to check in and see what your life is like. When we named our daughter Clint wanted to nickname her Bri. He said it would be a great example because you are so amazing. I agree!