Wow 3 wonderful years of Marriage!! Bryan is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love him for being my amazing hubby! How funny that March 24, 2003 our first date would be the end to a happy beginning of our lives together. You had me when you got me that blueberry squishee! :) Our days back in high school were full of surprises!! Who would've thought that the night that 3 crazy guys came to visit me in those funny yellow tuxes would've been my future hubby standing next to me!! It was totally meant to be! Funny thing was that the middle guy (Allen) had a crush on me! Little did he know that he was setting me up for my future man next to me!
Oh good ole college days!! Bry was traveling back with Trendy from BYU-I to see us! I made him my favorite chicken brocoli casserole and he was hooked on my cooking! Kate was my greatest roomie in the world! Trendy was the guy in the pic that got us together!
The night before Bry left me to start his college life at BYU-I with his buddy on the end Isreal! That was the start of a great PHONE relationship every night!!
I don't have a ring yet! even though it looks like I do on my finger! This is one of the last pics we took together before I left for the mission! Yikes! We were even matchy matchy White squared! Oh we were nerds in love!
Residential Treatment
5 years ago
Happy 3rd Anniversary Brianne and Bryan! Isn't it hard to believe that we both have been married now for 3 whole years! Time flies by when your having fun! Well, let me know when you are all healthy and well to play! We would love to see you sometime. But just to let you know...I had the flu bug yesturday, and Ryan has it today (of all days) more than likely we'll be celebrating our Anniversary this weekend! Take care and give us a call soon!
Happy Anniversary! I can't believe how fast time flies! CONGRATS!!! Here's to 3 more good years, right?
Happy anniversary Bri! That made me happy to see a picture of our old apartment! You're the best!
That was a fun blast from the past...happy anniversary! Fun to see how you grew up together and got married. Love the rocket ship...think you should buy it.
Glad you married Bry so we can be sisters. Your wedding day was so fun, you were beautiful!
This is so cute! I didn't know you knew each other that long that is so great! Mike and I were friends in high school but didn't date until college. Those Call boys are keepers! Congrats on your third anniversary!!!!
Congrats! You guys make the cutest couple!!
funny, I commented on your blog, but I was logged in at mom's house, so I was the one that said I was glad we were sisters, not mom.
Oh I thought that was a little funny that lynda said that we were glad that we were sisters! I'm glad you told me Nancy! I got a laugh out of that!
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