I thought these pics were so cute of Hunter eating his creamy on a hot summer day!! Can a kid get any messier!? He was in heaven eating that creamy too!! He was so cute cause I taught him the word ORANGE and he says it so cute now. "ORCHA"
Monday, June 29, 2009
an orange creamy eaten by hunter!
Posted by
2:37 PM
Oqurrih Mtn Temple Open House!
My kids were angels this time!! I know exactly how my sister felt because she had the same problem that happened to me during the draper temple open house. We got to go with my Grandparents, and my sis who is here from CALI for the week. I love being with my family. The kids loved the fountains in the front!
Posted by
2:17 PM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Glimpse of some fun family pics!!
So this week is pretty awesome!! We had a bday party for my mom last night. Family pics with immediate fam at an awesome park across from the MT. Timpanogos Temple and playing with our fun waterslide!!
All of my parents grandkids!! Mayley, Hunter, Alexandra, Avery, Caden, and Miles Mayley and Hunter could not get enough of this bench!
My sisters cute fam!!
Caden is about the cutest cousin ever. He loves Mayley and Hunter. He had to ride in the car with us so he could hang out with them on the way home. Mayley and Caden played hide and seek for a long time last night!
Posted by
4:10 PM
Rusty The Horse!
I am a slow blogger I have decided!! Last Thursday Bry was up in the Uintahs with the Preists camping. so Me, Mayley, and Hunter got to go play with their cousins Abbie, Anna, and Megan and ride horses. Bryan's older cousin is horse trainer and let us go up to where keeps her horses up in Sandy. Mayley has her shy moments and didn't care to ride the horse. But She did get the courage up to pull Rusty the pony around. Mayley and Hunter had fun playing the in the sandbox and looking at all the horses though. I'm glad for the fun times my kids can experience. Maybe in the near future they will have the desire to say "GIDDY UP" and ride a real pony or horse!! Megan, Hunter, and, Mayley sitting on some HAY while looking at the horses in their stables!
Posted by
3:40 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
Youth Conference SNOW COLLEGE!!
I was invited to go to Youth Conference by the Young Women's President in our ward this year. None of the leaders could go except 2 so I was the 3rd leader for the Young Women. I absolutley love doing things with the Youth and I loved getting to know the Young Women in our ward. I have been in primary the whole time we have lived in tooele so It was so fun to get to know the Young Women more!! I have been to Snow College maybe once so it was fun to go down to Ephraim and Manti. Snow has a youth conference staff and they had tons of fun things to do. When we first got there they had fun games for the stake and other wards to play like volleyball and these fun elastic bounce things. I did it and fell on my butt and I was laughing pretty hard!! I got the kids to play on the big twister mat. It was homemade! what a creative idea. All of the kids were standing around so I said. COME EVERYONE LETS PLAY!!
The young men and young women are a small group but they are pretty fun and crazy kids!!
They played crab soccer. They would get the ball wet but it started to get cold and rain so they stopped the hose. Bry was good at this. I was the picutre taker for everyone. I just watched everyone playing games.
They had water balloon launchers too. Bry and Bro Dave Greco had fun being the launcher holders. Dave Greco is quite the funny man. It was fun getting to know him better too!
We listened to a fireside given by Travis Osmond (Merrill Osmond's son) He gave me a guitar pick that was played by donny osmond. I gave it to my mom because my mom LOVES Donny. We had a dance that night and it was fun to dance with my hubby. I was sad cause Hunter had an ear infection but it was a blessing in disguise because my parents were able to take him to their friend who is a doctor and was able to get him some amoxillian fast.
Posted by
9:45 AM
A bunch of friends have huge sandboxes and we had this little turtle one and we thought it was time for a BIG ONE the kids could enjoy themselves in. So Bry went and made an awesome sandbox for the kids last monday!! They love it! Hunter is such a good little helper and loves to help his dad with the tools. He is such a little boy!!
I took a before pic of the sandbox but it looks awesome and the kids love it!
Posted by
9:04 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Gone Fishin'
We went Fishing on Memorial Day. It was pretty awesome. The kids loved holding the fishing poles and Mayley was good at saying "here fishy fishy" Ali and Parker showed us their little fishing spot. You have to walk through tons of weeds and mud to get there but thats what made it fun. The fish were CATFISH so we would catch them and throw them back into the water.
Hunter checkin out the fishy!!
Then we went back to my parents house and had an awesome BBQ. It was super yummy.
We went and saw my great grandparents graves with my aunts, uncles, and cousins with the Redding family! We went and saw my Great Grandpa Bert and Adaline, and Great Grandma and Grandpa Dimmick's graves. My mom had the kids wear fun BACKYARDIGANS GLOVES to help clean out all the weeds and grass to make the graves look nice.
Posted by
7:37 PM
How I love my family and friends!
Bryan's Dad's sunglasses from the 70's. The funny thing is...these are back in style. hahahahaha!!! Mayley loves to play puzzles on the LDS FRIEND MAGAZINE website. If someone could show me how to just link their website to this post that would be awesome. She can do the puzzles all
by herself. She is amazing. In this picture she is doing the animal picture that you find in the gospel art kit. It has music playing with it too. She loves to play the games on the website.
Playing in the swimming pool to cool off one day! I love that both of my kids love to wear their floaties to go swimming in the back yard!! AWESOME KIDS!
Jentri (katie's little girl) sure loved the cookie we gave her. She cracked me up how she loved sitting in the stroller and was perfectly content chillin there.
They had these cool seats that you could spin around really fast!! What a fun idea for a playground.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
These Boots were made for Walkin'
My Sister in law Ali has these awesome boots that the kids wanted to wear one night while we were down at my parnets house. Mayley found these cute little boots down in the play closet. I love her facial expression in this pic.
We about peed our pants watching hunter walk in the boots!! This is toooo hilarious!
Posted by
3:47 PM