Elder Carlos A. Godoy, age 47. At the time of his call, he had been serving as a member of the Seventh Quorum of the Seventy in the Brazil Area.
Elder Godoy received a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Pontificia Universidade Catolica and a master’s degree in organizational behavior from Brigham Young University. He spent his career as a human resources manager before starting his own company.
Since joining the Church in 1977, Elder Godoy has served in numerous Church callings, including bishop, high councilor, president of the Brazil Belem Mission, and Area Seventy. He was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on February 4, 1961. He married Mônica Soares Brandao in March 1984. They are the parents of four children. (I copied this from LDS.org)
Today while I was reading the conference issue of the ensign I found Elder Carlos Godoy who was put in a new member of the 1st quorom of the seventy in april 2008 . Do you believe that he is a Brazilian? I served in his ward while on my mission in my last area called Barueri. I went to his house many times as a missionary for lunches. I remember him taking me and my comp to the neighbors and places around his neighborhood to find people to teach. He was really fun to be around. I remember a special time on my mission where I was able to switch companions for a week. The sister I was put with was going through a difficult time on the mission and I remember she came to church with me one sunday and Elder Godoy was speaking that day. Heavenly Father directed Elder Godoy very well and spoke directly to my sister Companion. It was a beautiful talk and I was probably in tears the whole time. I felt so blessed for all that he taught me as a missionary. At the time he was an area authority down there in Brazil so we hardly ever saw him on sundays. Anyway I thought it was cool that I know this man and wanted to share the experiences I had with him as a missionary. He is an amazing indiviual. He has a really cool fam too! :) His daughter, Renata, would always accompany us on many people we were teaching. I found out later she served a mission in the Salt Lake Temple Mission. I love having mission memories!